Parts of Speach Made Easy: Nouns
What are nouns? Nouns are things that exist in the world. There are four different types of nouns. In this tutorial, we will be going through all of them. Different types of nouns. Common Nouns. Common nouns are the names of objects that e xist in the world. Common nouns are the most commonly occurring type of noun in regular use. Examples of common nouns: tree, rock, cat, man, king, diamond Example sentence: "The cat sat on the chair ." In this example, both cat and chair are common nouns because they are common things that exist in the world. Example sentence: "The troll ate the goblin ." Even though there are nontrolls or goblins in the real world the words troll and goblin are still common nouns. They are common nouns because they still perform the function of a common noun in this sentence. They are objects that exist in the world (even if that world is fictional). Proper Nouns. Proper nouns are names. They can be names of places people or organizations. Prop...