Books I Would Recomend.

My rating system is based on how much I believe you will miss out if you don't read that particular book. A 10/10 would therefore be a book that I believe everyone simply must read at some point in their lives and a 1/10 would be avoided at all costs. A 5/10 on the other hand would be a good book to read, but you won't only miss much by not reading it.

Please tell me about your favorite books in the comments. Also, tell me what you think about my ratings.

Alberto Aleandro Uderzo (1927-2020) René Goscinny (1926-1977)

Asterix Series

1. Asterix the Gaul (10/10)
2. Asterix and the Golden Sickle (10/10)
3. Asterix and the Goths (10/10)
4. Asterix the Gladiator (10/10)
5. Asterix and the Banquet (10/10)
6. Asterix and Cleopatra (10/10)
7. Asterix and the Big Fight (10/10)
8. Asterix in Britain (10/10)
9. Asterix and the Normans (10/10)
10. Asterix the Legionary (10/10)
11. Asterix and the Chieftain’s Shield (10/10)
12. Asterix at the Olympic Games (10/10)
13. Asterix and the Cauldron (10/10)
14. Asterix in Spain (10/10)
15. Asterix and the Roman Agent (10/10)
16. Asterix in Switzerland (10/10)
17. The Mansions of the Gods (10/10)
 Asterix and the Laurel Wreath (10/10)
19. Asterix the Soothsayer (10/10)
20. Asterix in Corsica (10/10)
21. Asterix and the Caesar’s Gift (10/10)
22. Asterix and the Great Crossing (7/10)
23. Obelix and Co (8/10)
24. Asterix in Belgium (7/10)
25. Asterix and the Great Divide (7/10)
26. Asterix and the Black Gold (7/10)
27. Asterix and Son (6/10)
28. Asterix and the Magic Carpet (8/10)
29. Asterix and the Secret Weapon (6/10)
30. Asterix and the Obelix All at Sea (7/10)
31. Asterix and the Actress (6/10)
32. Asterix and the Class Act (4/10)
33. Asterix and Obelix's Birthday (3/10)
34. Asterix and the Falling Sky (1/10)
35. Asterix and the Picts (1/10)
Alberto Aleandro Uderzo (1927-2020) Maurice De Bevere (1926-2001)

Lucky Luke

1. Billy The Kid (10/10)
2. Ghost Town (9/10)
3. Dalton City (9/10)
5. In the Shadow of the Derricks (10/10)
7. Barbed Wire on the Prairie (9/10)
8. Calamity Jane (10/10)
9. Wagon Train (10/10)
11. The Tenderfoot (10/10)
12. The Western Circus (9/10)
13. The Rivals of Painful (9/10)
14. The Dashing White Cowboy (9/10)
15. The Dultans in the Blizard (9/10)
16. The Black Hills (10/10)

Andreze Sapkowski (1948-)

The Witcher

3. Blood of Elves (5/10)

Anna Frank (1929-1945)

Diary of a Young Girl (7/10)

Apuleius (124-after 170) (Wikipedia)

Aristophanes (446-386BC) (Wikipedia)


The Frogs (10/10)

Aristotle (384–322 BC) 

Arthur Miller (1915-2005)

The Crucible (8/10)

Boubacar Boris Diop (1964-)

Murambi The Book of Bones (1/10)

Brian Jacques (1939-2011)

Redwall Series

1. Redwall (5/10)

C. L. R. James (1901-1989)

The Black Jacobins (3/10)

C. S. Lewis (1898-1963)

The Chronicles of Narnia

1. The Lion the Which and the Wardrobe (3/10)
6. The Magisian's Nephew (1/10)

Chimamada Ngozi Adichie (1977-)

Half A Yellow Sun (7/10) (Education in Half a Yellow Sun)

Chinua Achebe (1930-2013)

Things Fall Apart (8/10) (The Odyssey in Things Fall Apart)

Conn Iggulden (1971-)

Emperor Series

1. The Gates of Rome (5/10)
2. The Death of Kings (5/10)
3. The Field of Swords (5/10)
4. The Gods of War (5/10)
Cormac MacCarthy (1933-2023)

The Road (9/10)

Cyril E. Robinson (1884-1981)

History of the Roman Republic (10/10)

Daniel Dafoe (1660-1731)

Robinson Crusoe (7/10)

David Gemmell (1948-2006)

Drenai series

1. Knights of Dark Renown (6/10) (Book Review)
3. Waylander (10/10)
4. Waylander II: In the Realm of the Wolf (10/10)
5. Hero in the Shadows (9/10)
6. The First Chronicles of Druss the Legend (9/10)
7. The Legend of Deathwalker (9/10)
9. Legend (10/10)
10. The King Beyond the Gate (6/10)
11. Quest for Lost Heroes (7/10)
13. The Swords of Night and Day (7/10)


Rigante series

1. Sword in the Storm (8/10)
2. Midnight Falcon (7/10)

Jon Shannow

1. Wolf in Shadow (10/10)
2. The Last Guardian (10/10)
3. Bloodstone (10/10)

Douglas Adams (1952-2001)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

1. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (10/10)
2. The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (10/10)
3. Life, the Universe and Everything (10/10)
4. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (10/10)
5. Mostly Harmless (10/10)

Dirk Gently

2. The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul (6/10)

Edgar Rice Burroughs (1975-1950)

John Carter of Mars (John Carter: Terrible Yet Entertaining)
1. A Princess of Mars (4/10)
2. The Gods of Mars (4/10)
3. The Warlord of Mars (4/10)

Eoin Colfer (1965-)

Artemis Fowl Series

1. Artemis Fowl (6/10)
2. The Arctic Incident (5/10)
3. The Eternity Code (5/10)
4. The Opal Deception (5/10)
5. The Lost Colony (4/10)
6. The Time Paradox (4/10)
7. The Atlantis Complex (4/10)
8. The Last Guardian (3/10)

Euripides (480-406BC) (Wikipedia)


Electra (7/10)

Frank Herbert (1920-1986)

Dune (9/10)

F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940)

The Great Gatsby (10/10)

George Orwell (1903-1950)

Animal Farm (10/10)

Georges Prosper Remi (1907-1983)

The Adventures of Tintin

3. Tintin in America (7/10)
4. Cigars of the Pharaoh (9/10)
5. The Blue Lotus (7/10)
6. The Broken Ear (7/10)
7. The Black Island (8/10)
8. King Ottokar's Sceptre (7/10)
9. The Crab With the Golden Claws (7/10)
10. The Shooting Star (2/10)
11. The Secret of the Unicorn (8/10)
12. Red Rackham's Treasure (8/10)
13. The Seven Crystal Balls (8/10)
14. The Prisoners of the Sun (8/10)
15. Land of Black Gold (8/10)
16. Destination Moon (2/10)
17. Explorers on the Moon (3/10)
18. The Calculus Affair (7/10)
19. The Red Sea Sharks (7/10)
20. Tintin in Tibet (8/10)
21. The Castafiore Emerald (7/10)
22. Flight 714 to Sydney (4/10)
23. Tintin and the Picaros (7/10)

Homer (9th or 8th century BCE?) (Wikipedia)

The Odyssey (10/10) (Manliness in Homer's Odyssey) (The Guest Host Relationship in Homer's Odyssey)

Jeff Kinney (1971-)

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

1. Diary of a Wimpy Kid (1/10)
2. Rodrick Rules (1/10)
3. The Last Straw (1/10)
4. Dog Days (1/10)
5. The Ugly Truth (1/10)
6. Cabin Fever (1/10)

Jerry B. Jenkin (1949)

Wormling Series

1. Book of the King (5/10)
2. Sword of the Wormling (5/10)
3. The Changeling (5/10)
4. Minions of Time (5/10)
5. The Authors Blood (5/10)

J.K. Rowling (1965-)

Harry Potter
1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (9/10)
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (9/10)
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (9/10)
4. Harry Potter and  the Goblet of Fire (6/10)
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix (5/10)
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ( 3/10)
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows (1/10)

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)

Julius Ceasar (100-44BC) (Wikipedia)

The Gallic Wars (5/10)

J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973)

1. The Hobbit (10/10) (Book Review)
2. The Fellowship of the Ring (10/10)
3. The Two Towers (10/10)

Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932)

The Wind in the Willows (9/10)

Karl Marx (1818-1883)

The Communist Manidesto (3/10)

Liu Cixin (1963-) 

The Three-Body Problem (10/10)

Livy (59BC-17AD) (Wikipedia)

History of Rome (7/10) (Was the Roman Republic a Democracy?) (Could Hannibal have Taken Rome?)

Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

Vindication of the Rights of Women (1/10)

Merritt Ruhlen (1944-2021)

The Origins of Langauge (5/10)

Merry Shelly (1797-1852)

Frankenstein (8/10)

Nathan Long


1. Valnir's Bane (7/10)
2. The Broken Lance (7/10)
3. Tainted Blood (7/10)

Nick Kyme (1977-)

Honourkeeper (1/10)

Peter Tremayne (1943-)

Lan-Kern Series

2. The Destroyers of Lan-Kern (9/10)

Philip Jose Farmer (1918-2009)

Dark is the Sun (8/10)
Lord of the Trees (5/10)
Dayworld (2/10)

Philip K. Dick (1928-1982)

Philip Pullman (1946-)

His Dark Materials

Northern Lights (9/10)

Standalone Books

The Scarecrow and His Servant (9/10)

Piers Antony (1934-)

Xanth Series

4. Centaur Aisle (5/10)
5. Ogre, Ogre (6/10)
6. Night Mare (5/10)

Plato (427 – 348 BC) (Wikipedia)

Republic (10/10) (Does Plato and Aristotle Marginalize Women and Slaves?)

Plautus (254-184) (Wikipedia)


Pseudolus (8/10)

Polybius (200-118BC) (Wikipedia)

The Histories (7/10)

Rick Riordan (1964-)

Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Percy Jackson: A Great Idea, but Disappointing)

1. The Lightning Thief (6/10)
2. The Sea of Monsters(6/10)
3. The Titan's Curse (6/10)
4. The Battle of the Labyrinth (6/10)
5. The Last Olympian (6/10)

The Kain Chronicles

The Red Pyramid (3/10)
The Throne of Fire (3/10)
The Serpent's Shadow (3/10)

The Heroes of Olympus

The Last Hero (1/10)
The Son of Neptune (3/10)

Roal Dahl (1916-1990)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (10/10)
Charlie and the Glass Elevator (10/10)
The Magic Finger (5/10)
The Fantastic Mister Fox (10/10)
Matilda (9/10)
The BFG (10/10)
Georg's Marvelous Medison (8/10)
Esio Trot (9/10)
James and The Giant Peach (8/10)
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me (7/10)
James and the Giant Peach (8/10)
Danny the Champion of the World (5/10)
Going Solo (4/10)
Boy Tales of Childhood (4/10)
The Witches (8/10)
The Twits (7/10)
The Vicar of Nibbleswicke (6/10)

Robert Cormier (1925-2000)

After the First Death (5/10)

Saul Plaatjies (1876-1932)

Mhudi (7/10)

Sun Tzu (771-265 BC) (Wikipedia)

The Art of War (5/10)

Stephen L. Harris (1937-2019) Gloria Platzner (?)

Classical Mythology (10/10)

Sophocles (496-406BC)


Electra (6/10)

Suetonius (69-112) (Wikipedia)

The Twelve Ceasars (8/10)

Terry Pratchett (1948-2015) (Terry Pratchett is a Literary Genius)

Bromeliad Series

1. Truckers (7/10)
2. Diggers (7/10)
3. Wings (7/10)

Discworld Series

1. The Colour of Magic (10/10)
2. The Light Fantastic (10/10)
3. Equal Rites (7/10)
4. Mort (9/10)
5. Sourcery (9/10)
6. Wyrd Sisters (9/10)
7. Pyramids (10/10)
8. Guards! Guards! (10/10)
9. Eric (8/10)
10. Moving Pictures (10/10)
11. Reaper Man (10/10)
12. Witches Abroad (10/10)
13. Small Gods (10/10)
28. The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (10/10)

Jhonny Maxwell

1. Only You Can Save Mankind (7/10)

Standalone Books

Strata (6/10)
Carpet People (6/10)

Tom Holt (1961-)

Flying Duch (7/10)
Faust Among Equals (5/10)

Thucydides (460-400BC) (Wikipedia)
History of the Peloponnesian War (4/10)

Virgil (70-19BC) (Wikipedia)

The Aeneid (4/10)

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)


The Tempest (5/10)

Zadie Smith (1975)

On Beuty (1/10)
Feel Free (1/10)


  1. Please leave a comment. I would love to hear what you think of my page. I am always open to constructive criticism.


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