
Showing posts from September, 2024

The Polychromie of Ancient Art

Although ancient Greek art was, in fact, painted, the idea that it only consisted of plain white marble sculptures still largely remains in the public imagination and has long been an established fact among scholars. Even though evidence to the contrary has presented itself it took quite a while for scholars to recognize ancient Greek polychromy as an established fact. This essay will look at ancient polychromy. It will particularly look at the fact that ancient Rome and Greek polychromy took such a long time to be generally recognized amongst scholars. I will look at how scholars simply discounted the evidence and why they would have done so.                                                          ...

Cicero as Letter Writer

    Throughout his life, Cicero has sent many letters to other politicians trying to influence them into making certain political decisions. We know that Cicero is famed for being extremely skilled in the art of rhetoric. Although Cicero also had other means of convincing people besides his letters, he also is a famous letter writer. It has been argued that letter writing could have been an effective political tool at the time in which Cicero lived, but just how effective was it. In this essay, I will be looking at the mechanics of letter writing at the time and how this may have aided Cicero in his endeavours. I would particularly be looking at the different forms of politeness that was used in letter writing at the time. I then also will be looking at a letter that Cicero wrote to Pompey and a letter that Pompey wrote to Cicero as examples of the letters that were written at the time. I will particularly be looking at the different kinds of politeness that were used in these...

Athenian Democracy

  In this essay, I will look at the Athenian constitution during the period in which it was a democracy.  I will specifically be looking at the jury-court and the popular assembly.  I will compare and contrast these two by looking at their relationship with the council of five hundred.  I will specifically look at some of the jury-court and the assembly’s areas of interest and just how much influence it has in these areas. It also looks at the assembly's areas of interest and how much influence it had in these areas.  I will then decide which of these two had the most political influence in Ancient Athens.                                                             ...