The Etruscan Culture

This essay will look at the Etruscans. It will specifically focus on the different periods of Etruscan history, that Sinclair Bell and Alexandra A. Carpino divide into the “Transition from the Prehistoric”, the “ Villanovan Period”, the “Orientalizing Period”, “Archaic Period”, “The Classical Period.” in their book “A Companion to the Etruscans.” It will also look at the place of women in Etruscan society, the effect Greek influence had on Etruscan society and the difference between the funerary and the non-funerary context of the Etruscans. Most of the information we have about Etruscan culture is archaeological. As such this essay will look at archaeological evidence to examine each one of these categories. In the “Transition from the Prehistoric” one can see that the quality of the goods found in tombs improved increasingly. This included pottery as well as metal works and ornaments. To demonstrate this, I would look at the evolution of metalwork throughou...