Historically Inaccurate Dinosaurs Compilation

This is a compilation of all the historically inaccurate Dinosaur sketches made thus far.

Part 1: A cool dinosaur walks forward and says "Oh Yeah!" Part 2: A totally historically inaccurate depiction of the Dinosaur Extinction Event. Part 3: Watch this historically inaccurate depiction of the moon landing. What if instead of Neil Armstrong exiting the Lunar lander it was a dinosaur instead? Animation created using Scratch Animation created by: Autism on Demand Images taken form: Scratch Caroline rooseveltmcenany ScottTalent Wikimapia Skypixel InterestingMedia Bytesize Computers Luis Fernando Robler Sound taken form: NASA u_83ynl5kta9 dffdv thekids15 freesound_community VoiceBosch imagne_impossible

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